Tuesday, January 5, 2010


What in the world is wrong with Shaquille O'Neil??? He's clearly got a case of TigerWoodsitis! Caught and busted for cheating with another NBA ballers fiance', his wife Shaunie filed for divorce.... again.... for the 2nd time in 2 years. But now word is that not only was Shaq cheating with Gilbert Arena's wife-to-be who was his wife's friend (some friend) but he had a 5 year on again-off again affair with a model chick named Vanessa Lopez. Vanessa has enlistd the services of hollywood attorney Gloria Allred, who is also representing a few of Tigers indiscretions, to represent her in getting paid for claims of harrasement and who knows what else against Shaq. Ms. Lopez says in September she told Shaq she might be expecting and he supposedly lost it and harrased her and caused her emotional distress.
Ugggghhhhh...... question: why get married if you're not done "sewing your royal oats"? So much confusuion, pain, disrespect... for what??? Some booty??? What about loyalty, honesty, integrity and respect... not to mention the kids and the family unit? Why would Tiger, Shaq, or any cheaters in general jeapordize everything for nothing.... for those someones that just doesn't matter in the big pcture?
Seems to me like life is hard enough without adding extra drama. Perhaps these men, athletes think that intangible qualities, values and morals just don't matter when they've got enough money to play. At the end of the day, you gotta pay to play. Is it worth it?

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